Designated as a Board Member and is therefore required to attend monthly board meetings. Maintains open communication with teachers, Board members, and the preschool community throughout the year. Schedules and conducts monthly Board meeting and bi-annual Board of Trustees meetings. The President shall act as a liaison, along with the Treasurer, between the Schoolhouse and financial institutions. The President acts as a liaison between the Board of Trustees and the CSH Board. Conducts annual admissions lottery with the Admissions Chair.
Designated as a Board Member and is therefore required to attend monthly board meetings. Creates and shares the CSH monthly newsletter from content collected from the preschool community. Takes minutes of the board meetings and prepares these for distribution for CSH parents within a week of the meeting. Supports general clerical needs of the Co-op. Assists the President as needed. Maintains social media presence, updates the website as needed, sends Remind app notifications as needed, and coordinates any rental of Schoolhouse facilities.
Designated as a Board Member and is therefore required to attend monthly board meetings. Maintains all financial records. Responsible for all Schoolhouse disbursements, deposits, banking affairs, payroll, taxes, and related tasks. Ensures that all bills are paid timely and income due is received. Manages and reports financial log at monthly Board meetings. Works with the President to prepare annual budget. Works with the Admissions Chair to evaluate scholarship applications. This role extends through the summer to include summer camp finances.
Fundraising Committee Chair
Designated as a Board Member and is therefore required to attend monthly Board Meetings. The Fundraising Committee Chair is responsible for leading the fundraising team in activities and events designed to meet the annual fundraising goals of the approved annual budget.
Fundraising Team Members
Assists and coordinates fundraising activities within the Schoolhouse assigned by Fundraising Chair. Coordinates and schedules volunteers to assist with fundraising events.
Admissions Chair
Designated as a Board Member and is therefore required to attend monthly board meetings. Coordinates new families for admission selection and lottery; conducts school tours/interviews with visitors in conjunction with the lead teacher; organizes the Schoolhouse Open House/Lottery in February and conducts admissions lottery with the President. Handles all registration matters. Works with the lead teacher in determining number and gender of children enrolled, along with daily attendance balance and consideration of any exceptions. Admissions will inform the teachers and Treasurer of new students admitted to the Schoolhouse. Sets up families’ mailboxes in the classroom and updates as needed with any roster/job change. Evaluates scholarship applications with Treasurer.
Building and Grounds Chair
Manage all issues pertaining to the structures and major equipment on Schoolhouse property, as well as all “external” issues (those items related to landscaping). Develops cleaning and lawn maintenance schedules for year- round coverage. Conducts or delegates to team members monthly safety checks, including attention to fire codes and fire drill routines, and maintenance of fire extinguishers and smoke alarms. Organizes the fall and spring Schoolhouse workdays involving all families. The B&G Team also may be assigned larger projects such as playground beautification, light renovation and building projects. These projects will be assigned in cooperation with the lead teacher and will be coordinated by the B&G Chairperson. The B&G Chair does not participate in routine cleaning and maintenance except on an emergency basis.
Building and Grounds Team Members
This job starts June 1st and requires maintenance of the school and it’s grounds on a rotating schedule. Responsible for general lawn and playground maintenance (mowing, weeding, trimming, etc.) per schedule established by the Building and Grounds Chairperson. May also participant in playground beautification projects, light renovation, and building projects. These projects will be assigned in cooperation with the lead teacher and will be coordinated by the B&G Chairperson.
Parent/Teacher Rep
Designated as Board Member and therefore required to attend monthly board meetings. Acts as a liaison between teachers, preschool Board, and preschool community. Responsible for addressing parent concerns and communicating those concerns to the teachers and (when necessary) the Board with the goal of maintaining open communication and achieving resolutions that are beneficial to all involved. Responsible for proposing teacher contracts for Board review and teacher evaluations with the President. Conducts mid-year and end-of-year community surveys.
Summer Camp Coordinator
Coordinates all aspects of CSH summer program. Responsibilities include Summer Camp Registration process, distributing and collecting summer camp paperwork (Medical Forms, Membership Contract, Emergency Contact Form), and camp publicity.